
Hang Outdoors® Banners

  • Display targeted ads that match the specific section and page content
  • Reach people with the same interest and/or create new interest.
  • Build brand recognition
  • Web analytics and reports to show penetration
If you are interested or would like more information about our banner advertising please contact our Partner Division.

Banner Locations

Site Side Bars
  • Side Bars are site wide and loaded when our home page loads. 
  • Reach the largest Hang Outdoors® audience.
  • These ads can be made static, where they will always be in the same position regardless if the user scrolls up and down the page.
  • Featured ads can be rotated between various advertisers or static.
  • They will be between menu navigation areas to achieve a higher view rate.
  • They can link to any url and also have integrated google analytics.
  • You can display your advertisement in specific community sections, the Library, social areas and other pertinent areas or you can choose to display them in more than one area.
Links and Text
  • These types of advertisements offer good value for their position. 
  • They are smaller than featured ads.
  • They typically will appear at the bottom of all side menu navigation.
  • They can link to any URL and also have integrated google analytics.
  • You can display your advertisement in specific community sections, the Library, social areas and other pertinent areas or you can choose to display them in more than one area.
  • These ads will appear at the bottom of the page and always above sponsors.
  • They are smaller than featured ads.
  • They can link to any URL and also have integrated google analytics.
  • You can display your advertisement in specific community sections, the Library, social areas and other pertinent areas or you can choose to display them in more than one area.

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